Why Your Immune System Is Important!

Why Your Immune System Is Important!

The immune system is a biological defense mechanism that helps all tissues to be resistant to infection. The immune system is classified into three major subsets: B and T cells; R Cells; and M cells. B and T cells are further subclassified into Th cells and White Blood Cells. White Blood Cells carries out a specific function in the human body: they can either attack or defend the body against diseases. In the case of the immunity system, the goal is to suppress or eliminate alien organisms that invade the body. While the major function of the immune system is to protect the body from pathogenic organisms, its ability to recognize pathogenic agents and to mount an effective defense depends largely on the type of cells it has recruited to act as its defense mechanism.

Immune System keeps you healthy: The immunity innate immunity is what keeps you healthy. Natural Killer Cells are a type of specialized cells, which work as the army of the immune system to destroy pathogens and other foreign particles which cause harm. They are further subclassified into Th cells and lymphocytes.

The antibodies which neutralize external pathogens are also part of the immunity innate. The body produces antibodies by selecting antibodies from white blood cells that recognize specific microorganisms or foreign particles. There are two types of antibodies: human immunoglobulin and interferon. The humoral immunity is activated by a protein which recognizes allergens or microorganisms on the surface of the body. It releases huge amounts of immunoglobulin which allows the body to mount an effective defense.

The innate immune system works by identifying allergens by the body’s innate immune response and then mounts an action against it. These antigens have been identified through studies in animals like rabbits and guinea pigs. These tests have proven that humans can make antibodies against many common allergens. Common substances which are found to be allergens include dust, pollen, mold spores, cat and dog dander. These antigens also have cell-signature which can be identified through laboratory methods.

Bacteria and fungi: The immune system recognizes various types of bacteria and fungi as enemies. When these bacteria and fungi invade the body, the immune system starts fighting. This causes the production of substances called immunoglobulin to neutralize these invaders. Some of the most common substances released in this reaction are immunoglobulin G, Langerhans cells, T-cells, Monocytes and lymphocytes.

Allergic Reactions: One might wonder what exactly are allergic reactions. Allergic reactions are characterized by sneezing, runny nose, itching and watery eyes. The body then produces chemicals called mast cells to fight the infection. These mast cells release histamine, which triggers allergic reactions.

Autoimmune Disease: There is a direct relationship between immunity and autoimmunity. When the immune system becomes weak due to external factors, it allows the development of autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. This autoimmune disease results from an abnormal function of the white blood cells. The body’s white blood cells attack the normal cells in the skin causing inflammation. When it is not treated early, this condition may lead to more serious complications.

In order to protect your immune systems from developing diseases and illnesses, you should have a good diet, adequate sleep, plenty of fluid intake, enough vitamins, nutrients and minerals and lots of water. If you don’t take care of these basic needs, it will slowly deteriorate and become weaker day by day. It will not be able to fight infections and toxins anymore. These are only some of the ways that can help strengthen your immune system to fight against illnesses. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle to keep your organs functioning properly.

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