Japanese Discover The Secret Of Their Long Life Expectancy !

Japanese Discover The Secret Of Their Long Life Expectancy !

Do you know that more than 50% of the Japanese population live into their 90’s? a study has concluded that the Asians as a nation have one of the world’s highest average life expectancy, estimated at about 83,7 years.

As a simple comparation, Russians average lifespan is 68,7.

Another interesting fact, according to the writings in the Guinness World Record’s Book is that 5 out of the 15 oldest people ever recorded were actually Japanese. Amazing, right?

Here are few of the secrets that promote a healthier lifestyle, practiced by the Asian nation.

Squatting toilets

Squatting toilets are an older version of toilets, that are common for Japan. Until very recently, most of the public toilets in the country were like this. It is believed that going in the toilet in a squatting toilet takes less straining and lowers the tension in both the heart and the bowel movements.

Though new toilets are fancier and smell better, they can result in constipation, IBS, hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. Though you don’t have them at your home, you can easily achieve the effect – just take a footstool and get it in front of your toilet seat.

Smaller dishes

The food in Japan and the portions are usually served on smaller plates than the ones we usually use. This can prevent overeating and overburdening the gut. Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates throughout the whole world! This naturally prevents heart attacks and strokes, high cholesterol and many other illnesses associated with this medical condition.

Less sitting down

Did you know that every single school in Japan has morning group exercise, also known under the name of raijo taiso. Also, most of the individuals in Japan use a bike to go to work or to get around, instead of choosing the train or a car. Studies have shown a link between more sitting and a higher probability of earlier death.

Universal healthcare

All Japanese residents enjoy a healthcare coverage by the law in their land – whether they work or don’t. the standard of the medical treatment is also very high – they get discovered and their potential health issues get identified at quite an early stage. This is because health checks are for free, so an average Japanese person goes to the doctor about 4 times more than an average American!

Family time

Opposite to the Japanese traditional family and appreciation of family time, Americans seem to enjoy self-time and selfishly want to abandon their parents as soon as they are stable on their own.

Many Americans live with unknown people and roommates instead of their relatives and closest family circle, long before they form a family on their own. In Japan, the eldest child lives with the parents. Having family around helps a person with a psychological boost and a purpose to live longer.

Japanese diet

Compared to the USA, Japanese eat more fish and less red meat. Also, they eat almost no fried and overbaked food, but they tend to eat raw and easily cooked food. Their food preparation involves steaming, slow cooking and fermenting.

All of these things you can do yourself – small changes can mean a huge improvement and small steps towards a healthier lifestyle can easily add up a decade to your life! Isn’t it worth it?

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